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2 Frameworks for Businesses

The Crazy Ones on YouTube

Why Listen To This?

  • Alex Lieberman, Jesse Pujji, and Sophia Amoruso are 3 successful entrepreneurs riffing off on various business frameworks in this episode of The Crazy Ones.


  • ‘36 — The Entrepreneurial Operating System:
    • An idea put forward in the book Traction by Gino Wickman.
    • Its 6 parts are:
      • Vision
        • If you ask all the employees what the vision is, you should get the same answer.
      • People
        • Have the right people in the right roles
      • Data
        • Manage your business through a scorecard.
        • Have periodic reports measuring your business’ metrics — acts as a litmus test of how the business is doing.
      • Issues
      • Processes
      • Traction
        • Vision without traction → Hallucination.
  • ‘38 — The 2 center pawns analogy.
    • In Chess, 90% of the outcomes can be predicted by what the 2 center pawns do on the board. i.e., those 2 center pawns dictate the outcome of the game.
    • Similarly, whenever taking any business decision, focus on the 2 center pawns which are key to reaching the goal.
Shreesha S
Shreesha S

Shreesha is a Qualified Certified Management Accountant(CMA) and Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis(CSCA).

Articles: 42

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