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Dickie Bush on Growth and Creating Content

Source: The Danny Miranda Podcast on Spotify

Why Listen To This?

  • Dickie Bush is an entrepreneur and a trainer who runs a cohort-based writing course called Ship 30 for 30 which has helped over 6000 beginners to start writing online and make a business out of it.


  • ‘78 — Maintenance vs growth
    • Maintenance usually requires far less effort than growth.
    • Look at those aspects of your life which you’re trying to maintain and see whether you’re putting more resources/effort into it.
      • If yes, redirect those to aspects where you’re trying to grow.
    • Eg. Making money → difficult, maintaining money → Easy(keep it in a bank account).
  • ‘83 — Framework for creating content:
    • What problem am I solving?
    • Whose problem am I solving?
    • What benefits am I unlocking?
    • What promise am I making?
    • What emotions am I generating?
    • What is the next action my audience should take?
  • ‘88 — While starting, be specific.
    • Eg. Uber started as a luxury taxi service for people in San Francisco; not a world mobility platform.
  • ‘93 — Figure out where your “once’s” are and kill them.
    • Once → Once this happens, then I’ll do that.
    • Kill those once’s and start that thing today.
Shreesha S
Shreesha S

Shreesha is a Qualified Certified Management Accountant(CMA) and Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis(CSCA).

Articles: 42

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