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How to be a Blue-Collar Millionaire

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Why Listen To This?

  • Humble Beginnings
  • No money to go to college
  • Started own carpentry business after high school
  • Expanded into a multi-million dollar business


  • ‘16 – Figure out what you’re interested in/good at. Find a job related to that. Don’t waste time; move on to the next thing and try that.
  • ‘31 – In the context of a small business, every (genuine) mistake made by the workers can be indirectly traced to the leader.
    • The leader must take responsibility for what happens in their business even if others do it.
    • Don’t freak out and blame others.
  • ‘50 – Advice – Start your own business; find something where there is a margin.
    • Create more value than you consume; it’s not about making more money.
    • At the core of it, it is from the inner to the outer, the unseen to the seen, and the invisible to the visible.
    • Your ability to create something valuable which was not there, that others are willing to exchange, is no less than extraordinary.
  • ‘55 – Shadow somebody who is doing things that you would want to do.
  • ‘56 – Be true to yourself; don’t get into something just for the money.
    • Do something you enjoy; In the end you ‘re not taking anything with you.
    • Its not a dress rehearsal, its about “did I feel happy?”, “did I feel fulfilled?”, “am I proud of what I do?”, that is what is important.
    • If you can make money while doing this, that’s great.
    • Don’t sell your heart for money; the goal in life is to be happy while being true to your inherent interests.

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Shreesha S
Shreesha S

Shreesha is a Qualified Certified Management Accountant(CMA) and Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis(CSCA).

Articles: 42

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